Saturday 7 April 2012


About me

My first blog. I am really new to this. I have never been published, don’t twitter, LinkedIn was a strategic necessity, and I check Facebook once a month at best. I don’t do status updates because I’m too worried someone will think I’m a fool. The few times I dared to write a status update, I planned it, crafted it, really thought about it, cross-referenced it, edited it, even googled it in case it was a reference to something, anything. If nobody ‘liked’ it, I regretted it. I have issues, but suffice to say, this is the last time I'll spill those beans.

Max in the mask
When my fiancĂ© heard about this blog, he said so rationally: “Don’t mention my name anywhere, what if it comes back to bite you in the arse?” I just hope it doesn’t. From now on he will be known as Maximus (“Max”). Maxi-plexy-sexy-flexi.  Max my man.


The situation

Babushka's cake
I moved to London for Max a few months ago. Max is not from London, but his school is here. He offered me a ring and his life, I said ‘yes’ and here I am, 16,891.36km away from what was home in Australia. 

I spent the last 30 days applying for over 170 jobs; apparently there’s a recession.  A few stray leads, and now I'm entering a perpetual state of doom, and potential poverty. Alas, as yet I haven’t cashed in my mac, or my sanity, so I’ve decided to take on a project!

The blog

Unfortunately, I don’t fancy London much. I have a few reasons, but they’re probably not enough, and besides, I gave Max my word I’ll stay. On the other hand I’m in the ‘burbs, and I live on a big hill from which I can see over the whole of London, and it ain’t too shabby. Herein comes my inspiration to discover GREATER LONDON, the best and worst, from east to west, south to north. From clocks, to parks, to coffee houses, to did-you-knows and gimmicks.

Here's the UK

Here's London

And this, this is Greater London

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